Nguyen Trung




Acrylic, papier mâché on canvas

180 x 540 cm

The inspiration behind this triptych comes from the two masterpieces of classical music: Requiem by Johann Sebastien Bach and Requiem in D minor, K. 626 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the latter commissioned to commemorate the death anniversary of a count’s wife. Nguyen Trung uses much bolder shades of yellow and orange in this work, turning the requiem from a whisper of the inner soul to a forceful scream projecting outward. The papier mâché dots lining up on the canvas stand in for the sonic movements of the musical notes, while the biomorphic shapes emerging from the background resemble faceless portraits whose tears melt into the canvas. A visual interpretation of canonical musical compositions, Requiem also explores the conflicting pain of grief and sorrow. 

(Edited from text excerpts provided by CUC Gallery)